Friday, February 14, 2014

My Student's First Finished Project

One of my students finished her first project today - she started to hold needles just a week ago and now she finished two cowls - amazing!! She made one for herself and another for her son. She chose mustard yellow color and it looked really nice on her.

The one she made for her son is a natural light beige/tan color, and this was nice as well. Looks a bit more sophisticated, sort of. I really like to play with different colors and every time when I see my students picking up some colors that are unusual to me, it gives me an opportunity to realize and learn  that there are many variety of colors that exist in the world. 

She already started her third project - another cowl for her another son. This was a green color, and she told me her son likes the green color and that's the reason why she picked up that green color. But she does not like the yarn itself - it was Paton's classic worsted, a very standard yarn for knitters. Her cowl and the other boy's scarf was made with Paton's classic roving yarn, and this was softer and more squishy.

I do love roving yarns because they represents true beauty of the fiber itself - the softness, the squishiness,  the sheen, etc... multi-ply yarns are usually a bit more harsh and just less interesting to me,

But these days, I started to fond more and more of multi-ply yarns over single ply roving yarns - because rovings are so delicate and weak with rubbings, and they tend to stretch and don't bounce back that much while multi-ply yarns are sturdier and retain shape better.

It is always a pleasure to see other people knitting their own projects. They truly represents their own personality and I really enjoy observing everyone's works.

We still have some spots available for knitting class, so if you are interested, please contact me by email. Thank you!

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